Saturday, August 18, 2007

Well hello. I hope everyone is doing well. We are actually starting to cool off here n Texas. Tropical Storm Erin dumped some 8 inches in San Antonio before it reached us here in Waco. Now we are waiting to hear what Hurricane Dean will be doing. He is a Cat 4 so we maybe having some company from our friends and family down in Houston and surrounding areas. We will see and have the fridge stocked and have plenty of blankets washed and ready for whoever needs it.

Yesterday I had my 500th visitor. They came from Jan's blog Standing By. Welcome to you and I hope to see you around here more often. Let me just say welcome to everyone from the east coast to the west coast. Please let me know who you are because I would love to get to know you. I have made many friends from reading blogs and writing my own. I know I am not as eloquent as some but if you read enough you will learn I am honest and might make you laugh a little bit.

I am sitting here relaxing on my couch with my Hubby. We went and saw a movie tonight and had dinner in celebration of our anniversary. This is also the weekend we have no Kiddos. The two older ones are still in Nevada and the other three are spread out amongst friends. We will not see any of them til Sunday morning at church.

I am off to get some much needed sleep. Tomorrow will be the first day in over a year I will sleep in. It just might be the last one for a long time to come. I have a few stories to tell. One just happened tonight but it is not resolved as of now. As soon as it is I will post about the very long wait we had today. Let me just say thank God for no Kiddos today.


Susan said...

Sounds like the perfect anniversary, congratulations!

Butterfly Wife said...

I sure hope you enjoyed your sleep in!!! I got to sleep in the last two days. There was light coming in through the window when I got up at 6:30 AM. Amazing.

Congrats on hitting 500!! :D

Reasa said...

It was a wonderful day. Thanks triplee and BW.

BW- I did enjoy my sleep. :) In fact in about 30 minutes I am heading in for a nap while Hubby watches a movie with the Boys. I am loving this. :)