Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A routine is coming and it feels so good. Having Big Man in school makes me have a routine and I am beginning to like that feel of having a set amount of things to do each day and have them accomplished at the end of the day. It is slow going and having the Kiddos help out is like pulling teeth from a wild warthog. Oh well they will help if they want to go to my Mom's house this summer. I will threaten them tomorrow. today I was able to clean a bathroom and my kitchen. A nice deep clean.

All is well around here. I have been dealing with some weird things lately. It has been weird. Good things have been happening since I last posted, Hubby and I are having good friendly teasing chats on Yahoo and I am alot more settled with him being gone. All in all this has been a good week so far. I am looking forward to Bible Study tomorrow and hanging with a friend on Thrus with the Kiddos at a water park. Fun all around I say.

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