Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Kitchen scrubbed. Couches vacumed. New glasses washed and put away. My room half done. Laundry being done even as I type this. My Mom told me today if she did not know better she would think I was nesting. HA!!!! Not on your life. You have to be having some fun between the sheets or wherever you chose for that to happen. I don't even remember what is feels like. :( Anyway, the house cleaning is going better than expected.

I picked up two more foot lockers from the post office today. One more is on the way as we speak. I have never been this excited to get big bulky foot lockers in my life. Life gets better day by day.

I am still searching for new sheets. I always buy sheets right before hubby comes home. Something new I put on the day I know he will be home. He will sleep through the first two nights but it will be sand free.

I am about halfway through Project Everlasting. It is such a good book. Very easy to read. Nothing like I really expected. I also ordered "I Talk Like A White Boy" by Joseph C Phillips. It looks to be a good one too. I am saving this for our weekend get away. I know I will need something to read because I have a feeling Hubby will be sleeping alot. At least we will be alone those days. :)

I am officially enrolled in school. I will have my class list on Thrus. Hopefully I will not have to take any remedial courses after I take the placement test. Only time will tell.

I am off to bed and some rest I hope. The Boys are wound up and I am not. Hopefully they will calm down when I start turning things off. Hope everyone has a wonderful night.

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