Sunday, August 12, 2007

I am down in Ft Hood sitting in a hotel room with my Hubby. He was able to get outta there a few days early. I got a call abotu 2pm this afternoon and I was off and running. I will be offline for a few days. Have a wonderful, safe and blessed week. Try and keep cool.


Butterfly Wife said...

Have a safe and wonderful trip. Best wishes to you both! :D

CShack said...

AWESOME!! Yeah! I hope you all have the most awesome reunion ever. Although I can't figure out for the life of me why you aren't blogging right now? :p

Seriously though, I wish you both a ton of happiness -- you have a backlog of it waiting for you.

Reasa said...

BW- Thank you. It was awesome. We live close enough that Hubby can come home at night and go back in the morning.

Claire- Hmm why aren't I blogging?? I have no clue. LOL Thanks for all your kind words and new friendship.