Saturday, September 01, 2007

What a week. Buddy Lee turned seven yesterday and Big Man is filling out his first appliaction for a job. Let alone the first week of school is over for all of us. I took yesterday off form studing and hung out with Hubby. Today he went back to work and then is off til Tues. We will be heading down to my Dad's for a mini family reunion. I am looking forward to getting out of town for a couple of days.

The Pooch is at Doggie Daycare. She loves going to play with other doggies. I am still a little worried about her since she was hit with the briick. Pooch has never been the same. One day she is nice and friendly and the next she is barking and snapping at us. She has mellowed since Hubby came home. I am glad of that. Maybe she just needed hi home.

All the Kiddos are doing good with Daddy home. I know they loved having him to themselves just about allday everyday. Hubby did take the boys quite a bit these last couple of weeks so I could have some quiet time and get some things done around here. I was able to get my hair permed and I cut about five inches off. I had thought abou tit one night and decided now was a good time. It looks kinda cut. I am still getting used to it. Hubby would rather have it long but ummm I hate long hair. LOL

I am off to do last minute laundry and pack. The Kiddos are waking up and ready to go. Have a safe and wonderful weekend.


Butterfly Wife said...

I hear ya about the long hair thing. I had hair almost to my waist last December. Lobbed it off for Locks of Love. Now I am complaining that it is getting too long again. Got an appointment for a cut in 10 days. Cannot come soon enough.

While you are doing laundry, could you do mine as well? :D

Reasa said...

I am loving the short hair thing today. I will probaly keep t short and then grow t our n about a year. We shall see.

We just back n and the frst thng have to do is laundry. Two days gone and I have 5 loads to do. As to doing yours, go ahead and bring it down and I will was dry and fold it. If you want anything ironed then you are on your own. While we wait on laundry I will bake you up something yummy and gooy and we will have coffee with it. Then the boys will wake and there goes anytme to chit chat.