Wednesday, June 25, 2008

To Do List:

1.Write To Do List.
2. Go to the Commisary.
3.Take Pooch to Vet
4. Wait for bug guy.
5.Laundry, because it never ends.
6. Pack for my weekend getaway (no kids and no Hubby, he is loving he gets a weekend with my Mom)
7. Try not to drive everyone crazy waiting til I can go get my Mom tomorrow.
8. Get nails done.
9. Search for a hairdresser. I think so. Need to have her cut Sweetness' hair to really pass the test. Today I asked for a trim and go it. Only enough to make my hair look healthy and happy again. :)
10. Put gas in truck.

I am off to beat the rush at the gas station and get some food. Wish me luck and pray I do not forget anything. :)


tootie said...

At least you got #1 accomplished :)

I'm a to-do list girl, too. I'd be totally lost without it.

Reasa said...

Tootie, I stole the idea from Butterflywife, who stole it form someone else, to write and mark off Write To Do List. I feel as if I have accomplished something from the git go. :)

wendy said...

I love to do lists! (fyi, BW stole it from me! My hubby thinks my lists are silly and always writes "make a list" at the top of my lists for me...)

Your weekend plans sound fun!