Monday, April 10, 2006

Loving life. I have learned what it is to learn to live with a spouse who was deployed for as long as mine was. All I can say is thank you God for being my strength and Hubby for letting God work. We have had small issues arise but noting to get to worked up about. I love having my Soldier homeand knowing he is not going anywhere for a long time.

I have heard so many horror stories about learning to live with spouses again. I was terrified to have Hubby come home. I admit there are days that I wish Hubby would go back but at the end of the day I thank God Hubby is home and we are together. We have many things to work through but together with God as our guide anything is possible. I look forward to our future now and am actually excited about it.

Everyone have a good night. I am off to enjoy my time with Hubby.

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